
How Much Television? : How Much TV Is Too Much?

Satisfactory Essays

How much TV is too much? Are we watching too much tv? Children 2 – 11 watch an average of 4.5 hrs. of tv every day according to Nielsen. I do not think it is good for children to watch excessive tv, but if you do, I am going to convince you it is a bad idea; a big problem. You may have convinced yourself that television is good because you like it, but that's doesn't make it good for you. After I became obsessed with television I stopped doing anything productive, I didn’t even clean my room, all I ever did was just sit there, and watch tv. I plan to explain how tv can be a big problem and what can be done so we do not become consumed with it, which could cause us more harm than good. Who thinks it’s a great idea to sit in one spot from morning until bedtime watching show after show, doing nothing with your time? If you think this is a horrible concept, then you are right. I think that it is bad for children to sit idly in the same spot all day and do nothing. When you expend your time watching tv, you usually tell yourself, “just one more show,” but somehow you just continue to watch show after show. How could you turn it off? It’s getting so good. I know what it is like, because that's what I use to do, and for me I became lazy with even being aware. I didn't even like to go outside anymore. Moreover, I spend most my days in in front of a screen, either my tablet or the tv. I don't think tv should be cut out of everyday life completely, but it shouldn’t be allowed during weekdays. Once you start watching you find that all you do is think about that new show that's coming on later instead of your work, play, or anything else for that matter. I know why children, myself included once upon a time, don’t think about how much tv they watch, and don’t see anything wrong with a lot of it. Children think tv is good because it's funny, and we make the excuse that we are learning. Children like TV because it's a break from school and it's something to enjoy. I don't think decisions about watching tv all the time take in consideration the lasting effects. We easily become too relaxed, not wanting to exercise, help around the house, or learn. You can utilize your tv time and watch educational

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