How the music lyrics affect children and young teens to grow up and be positive adults? Music does not always encourage in young teens to grow up and be confident adults. But it depends on the song, but the fact is about that not all songs could be right that it could affect people hobbies as well. Songs could also inspire you to make even though some people not about that life it will still do it, especially when it comes to rap nowadays. The song “Magnolia” it can influence your future lifestyle. It can get the teens get to do things that it could get illegal things like it’s cool which is not. The lyrics may be catchy, but people don’t know what it means. “New York I Milly Rock, hide it in my sock Used to sell rock, running from the
This reference shows how music lays a foundation of teenage values beyond school or parental teaching. A musical artist can influence a young mind by the chosen lyrics with greater effectiveness than formal education. Music can control or enhance moods. A good mood can get better or a bad mood can be worked through with the choice of music. A bad mood can also be enhanced by lyrics about suicide or violent behavior. Teens can also use music to gain information about the adult world, to withdraw from social contact, facilitate friendships and social settings, or to help them create a personal identity. (O'Toole, 1997)
Great music can sometimes can turn just an ordinary day into something magical, spiritual even. The effects music has on the human mind, can spread further; right through our genetic code and throughout our bodies. With all the good that can come with music, negative effects are not too far behind. Music has been the center focal point for parents and politicians alike to use it as a scapegoat to help push their political and parent agenda. To help mold children and adolescents into something they were never meant to be.
Millions of people in the world listen to music for all different reasons. Most people all over the world listen to different genres of music in order to relax, but not too many people pay attention to the actual lyrics of a song. If you listen to the lyrics of a song you will realize that many songs have important messages or themes to them. An example of this is the lyrics of the song “Changes” by Tupac Shakur. If you listen to this song, you will realize that Tupac raps about not only the problems that African Americans face from society, but also the struggles that poor people in society have to endure and overcome. Many
I agree that violent or antisocial lyrics heavily influence the behavior of young people who listen to the lyrics. I agree because younger people are more easily influenced and peer pressured. Moreover, the meaning behind the lyrics and the lyrics may speak or pressure young people to try something. As a young person that listens to music a lot, lyrics speak volume to me and influence me at times. Young people may also want to act out or copy the meanings behind the lyrics like violent acts. For example, a teenager listening to a violent rap song with lyrics stating that you need to beat somebody up if they offend you. The teenager may act out or reproduce that lyric if someone offends him because of an artist’s influence on him. Artists that create these songs and lyrics influence their young audience with their choice of words.
Many Teens and adults don’t understand how harmful music can be. It has a very big effect on us in a good way like calming us down, or the bad way like making us more aggressive by listening to metal. People these days listen more to music than to anything else. It is a big problem, for a lot of people because, the songs that today's teens like having a lot of cursing, violence and thing like that. Most young people have a big influence on music lyrics. Music like heavy metal and similar styles have a bad effect on the person that is listening to it. Also calm music and good lyrics, can calm a person down, make him relaxed, and get him a great feeling for the rest of the day. Most people will say that music is a big part of their live, and when we live with the music we are listening to it so that we can look like the image that the song is giving. Whether it's a good image or not.
There are many different factors of the music that caused the shift in behavior amongst teenagers. It was not the lyrics of the music that created the wild behavior
I chose the song “One, two, three, four, five”. The purpose of this song is to teach toddlers how to count. I pick this song because it’s catchy and easy to learn. This is an educational song that help children learn their numbers and how to count. However, this song does not only teach children how to count but also teaches them left and right. I believe a child learn best when singing along with the professor. I also believe music ignites all areas of a child development: emotional, social, language, and physical. In this songs toddlers will develop three type of developmental skills. There are physical development, cognitive, and social development. In addition, Playing and learning are completely natural for toddlers, so mastering physical
Music is a creative way for a person to express themselves, but some want to take away that creativity because they believe that the lyrics are too much and can be harmful to a child's development when in fact that is not the case. Recently, people have been debating whether or not the lyrics in music today are harmful to children. To most, the vulgar statement might seem a bit much, but past that the songs that artists create are actually creative, inspiring and even educational. "Hip-hop compositions are masterful poetry: The form of the standard hip-hop song is three verses of 16 bars written to various beats-per-minute patterns, which mirrors Shakespeare's use of iambic pentameter" (Perkins 1). Perkins is explaining how hip-hop songs
Music has more of an influence on the people in the twenty-first century than it ever has before. Teens, especially, are surrounded by some sort of it in everything they are around or do. Many disagree on how music impacts one’s mental state and behavior; however, all agree that the impact depends on how the listener feels before and how they allow it to influence them.
In conclusion, messages/words in music, especially in rock/hip-hop rap music are sometimes dangerous to young people because they could lead to misogyny, violence, suicide, taking drugs, drinking alcohol, and other negative behavior. Contemporary music has as positive as negative effects on young people. The beneficial effects of music can express the fact that it helps many people cope with a bad mood, depression, sadness; however, negative changes in American culture, society, and music have led to increasingly dangerous musical lyrics that have created serious problems for some teenagers. Most of today's musical trends promoting free love, and sometimes even distorted its manifestations. Many bands advocate even drugs. They are singing
Music is a way the all people can use to distract themselves for everything around them. In the articles ‘’Under the Influence of Music’’ by Tara parker-pope and ‘’Music the Healer” by Frank Fitzpatrick published In the authors tell us good things about music. Music is beneficial to teenagers because it influences identity development and It helps activate region of the brain.
Music is a form of expression that delivers a message. However over the years, the message of music has changed. Hundreds of years ago, music started with slaves. The slaves would sing spiritual hymns to motivate them and help keep up their spirits. Later, R&B and Hip Hop formed and at first there were motivational songs and rappers even rapped about a better life. But over the last thirty years the motivational songs have ceased. R&B and Hip Hop now is degrading to women, less subtle, and influences bad behavior.
Teens will chose music they feel will help them make decisions that will impact their life in the best way possible. When conducting an interview with Bronx Latin Student Rhoda Clayton, who is a very independent student with an artistic ability and has a beautiful voice that she uses to express herself. She describes her musical impact during the tough decisions shes had to make. “It depends on the decision. The song can give you answers or alternatives without you realizing.” Music has been a tool she uses when she can’t make a final decision. The reason that music helps her to make these important decisions is because she is taking the experience the musician has and using it to help her own self. Subconsciously when deciding what song to listen to the person is playing a song that tells them what they want or need to hear. They are deciding for themselves by allowing the music to express their emotions when they can't do it. This is just one of the many impacts that music has on an undecided teen. This student is just one example of many that uses music as an outlet and as an answer to their decisions. This student listens to all kinds of music she doesn’t stick to just one genre. This allows her to express herself in many ways whats even better is she can take part in the music. She listens to the music and also sings along, not many have the ability to be able to sing and
Music has always played an important role in everyone’s life especially teenagers but now that's all changed. The era of music that young teens follow isn’t what it used to be. The average adolescent now hears approximately 84 references to explicit substance use a study from the New York times noted. Another site i got my information from took a study and found adolescents who listen to degrading sexual lyrics are more likely to engage in riskier sexualized behavior.
Bob Marley once said, “One good thing about music. When it hits you. You feel no pain.” The world today is filled with so much hate and sorrow, and music has a way of reaching those who are down in life. Music has endless ways to inspire and cheer up anyone. The lyrics of a song are a poem that tells a story whether it be a love song or a rap song. If everyone would take the time of day to listen to the lyrics they would understand and feel the music on a whole other level. Although if someone is feeling blue, a rap song probably isn’t the one for them. The melody or the instrumental part of the song is mind-blowing. Take out the words and there is just pure music. It can put someone in a trance of just pure imagination. As Elton John once said, “Music has healing power.It has the ability to take people out of