
How Responsible Was Hitler for the Outbreak of Ww2

Decent Essays

Hitler was responsible for the outbreak of World War 2(1939) to a significant extent. The many things that he did like going against the Treaty of Versailles which included the rearmament of Germany, his Lebensraum policy where he wanted to take over neighboring lands and gain more territory for Germany and his disrespect to the treaties he made. While Hitler was a great cause for World War 2, he was not the sole reason. The Great Depression, the weak leaders of the League of Nations and their appeasement policies, the harshness of the Treaty of Versailles and Stalin 's decision not to do anything. One of the major terms of the Treaty of Versailles was that Germany could not have a large army. The term was placed so that the French …show more content…

As these were tough times the German public decided that Hitler was their best option and they elected him. This put Hitler in a place of extreme power in Germany, where he could Carry out his future plans. When the first World War ended, it had come with a heavy price. So to protect the world from another war the League of Nations was created. The world started to doubt the League 's effectiveness after the Manchurian Crisis in 1931-1933. Japan had invaded Manchuria, China but even after a long period of discussions no result came out and made the League look week. The Disarmament conference during 1932-1934 also left a big dent in the League 's reputation. When Germany had demanded that other countries to disarm to Germany 's level the League failed to come up with a solution. The league could not get other countries to disarm to Germany 's level. These events led countries to believe that the League was powerless and that they had free reign to do what they wished. The League lost its reputation and the eventual war was now more imminent. Appeasement also played a big role in the League 's defeat. There were many reasons why appeasement looked so good in the 1930s. After the first World War, none of the countries wanted another one and they were willing to do whatever it took to prevent another one, most countries were not

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