
How Revolutions Caused The Negative Western Influences On The World Essay

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Revolutions, whether successful or not, inevitably change the place in which they happen. In the early 20th century, nearly all of Africa was colonized by European powers. Colonialism, and Africans’ ill feelings toward being colonized, inspired unity, desire for social change, and an urge for independence. Revolutions were imminent in Africa due to the strict policies of segregation, social structure, and feelings of superiority that the Europeans brought. These feelings were ingrained in many people both consciously and sub-consciously. Many Africans, after independence, fell back into this old routine and when the white populations left, these feelings of superiority and the old social structure continued to manifest itself Africa, only in a new form. This was, and continues to be Africa’s biggest problem today. The goal of revolution, and independence in Africa was to purge the negative western influences and attitudes that Europeans had put in place. However, even after independence, the same European powers, and their conglomerates continued to influence the governments and people. Many people of Africa fell back into their old ways and had similar thought processes under colonial rule. These fallbacks included superiority of men over women, social status, and the other obligations that one has to society. As Winston Churchill famously remarked “Those that fail to learn history, are doomed to repeat it.” It was this recession back into the European guidelines that

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