
How Scheduled Maintenance Can Ultimately Save You Money

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How Scheduled Maintenance Can Ultimately Save You Money

Keeping on top of your vehicle maintenance will cost some money. However, this investment can pay big dividends down the road. Discover how people will know if the car has been well-maintained and the effect this will have on the value in a private sale or trade in situation at a car dealership. We 'll also outline several ways to find out what services are due on your vehicle and how to cut costs on these important repairs.

The First Step in the Process

When you bring home that new or used vehicle the first thing you need to do is to create a dedicated folder for it. There 's a lot of paperwork associated with the purchase of an automobile and this belongs in your folder. As time moves on you will collect receipts for motor vehicle records, warranty repairs, completed recalls, maintenance services, parts and accessory purchases, cleaning supplies and detail services. All of these things will go in your folder.

Very few sellers of automobiles have a rock solid organized history from the day the vehicle was purchased, but now you will. If you sell the automobile to a private party you 'll be able to instill a level of confidence that your competition will not. Even if you decide to trade the vehicle at a dealership they will have to consider these records into the value of the trade.

The Value of a Well-maintained Automobile

There 's no question that the condition of the automobile plays a large role in its value.

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