
How Soical Programs Are Bring Down the United States Economy Essay examples

Satisfactory Essays

Are social programs such as the welfare program in the United States causing a disorder in the order of subsidiarity and the cycle of the economy? Yes, some of the social programs in the United States have caused a disorder in the order of subsidiarity and the cycle of the economy. Objection 1. Social programs such as welfare have not caused a disorder in subsidiarity and the cycle of the economy. These social programs are critical for a nation’s poor citizens living in poverty levels. Objection 2. Objection 3. On the contrary, some of the social programs in the United States have caused a disorder in the order of subsidiarity and the cycle of the economy. People are take advantage of the government a have therefore caused mayhem on the …show more content…

Over the news, there are always story of people being caught of fraudulently purchasing cards from an underground market. Some of the people have become so dependent on the welfare system that they seem to keep on populating their family’s because they’ll receive more benefits when in fact they cannot support them by themselves. Another example of a bad social program is the social security program, which is basically a Ponzi scheme. People from the beginning of the program were rewarded amounts of money that they did not contribute. Also with the population spike with the baby boomer is going to lead to problems in the coming years as there are less people available to support the funding of future generations of people that are going to receive. Most of the young people are unemployed because they have just entered the labor force causing them to compete with other people with experience. Because the demand for young workers has fallen generous programs are a serious problem. It can increase unemployment by leading people to remain on welfare since it has better incentive for the person. The person chooses not to work and is getting paid to do nothing. That probably sounds better than accepting a minimum paying job and having to work at laborious jobs. For example, according to, there are over 12.8 million people on welfare, 46.7 million on food stamps, and 5.6 million on unemployment insurance. Which equal to about 4.1 percent of

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