
How The Background Story For Meeting Between Trump And Trudeau

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How the background story for meeting between Trump and Trudeau was set up and what were the outcomes of this meeting?
Group Number - 6
Date - 30-03-2017 BUSM 1100-section-004 Last Name First Name Student Number Deol Akashdeep 100289004 He Linhuan 100281141 kaur Mandeep 100281839 kaur Navneet 100288287 Singh Arashdeep 100285751 Overview
What a bromance it was? Everyone was saying these words when dashing Trudeau met the most powerful person of the world and the head of United States of America. In short, sweet and simple Barack Obama. That meet went over met our expectations. It was amazing to see decorations of front lawn with Prime Minister Trudeau and President Obama …show more content…

This task was to be done quickly instead going into its detailed version. As told by Mr. Frazer “Trump responds naturally in such a way always by rolling his sleeves up. What is it you want? What is it I want?”4 Both sides worked on the deliverables for the meeting, concrete commitments on which they can affirm. Nevertheless, with lots of If’s and But’s.
Both of the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Donald trump have different type of political strategy. Donald trump makes people scared to gain the attention of domestic people as in one of
1 Campion-Smith, Bruce. "Trudeau-Trump: What 's Love Got to do with it?" Toronto Star Feb 13 2017. ProQuest. Web. Mar 26, 2017.
2 idib 3 idib 4 idib his interview5. He said that“I don’t want the people from Syria to come in because we don’t know who they are, if I win they will go back. We cannot have them”6. Whereas Justin Trudeau thinking is completely different as in his interview he welcomed in those Syrian refugees as new Canadians and he thinks that conservatives are not our enemies they are our neighbors.” 7
At the end of year, there was an interview of Justin Trudeau with The Canadian Press. They ask him that where he will draw line between him and Donald Trump. “I do not want to dive into the hypothetical, but you’re asking me, ‘where is the line? The line, for me, is that I will act in a way that ensures that Canadians do not suffer and have all the benefits and opportunities that I can

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