
How The Class Struggle In The Communist Manifesto By Karl Marx

Decent Essays

The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels explains the theory of communism and how it evolved with the historical development of classes. In the 1800’s Marx was writing during a period of industrial advancement and believed the basis of social and historical conflict was imbedded in the struggle between classes. Manufacturing businesses were excelling, but a vast majority of the working class was still living in poverty. Marx viewed history as a linear story of class struggle between the oppressed and the oppressors. Modern industrial society specifically addresses the class struggle between the bourgeois landowners and the proletariats, the industrial working class. Marx believes that the working class would rise to complete power and eliminate all other classes. In this type of society, there would be no property ownership, but rather, a mutual beneficial sharing of the land and resources. This would eliminate the class struggle, and with it, the oppressed …show more content…

To solve this inequality, they devised a socialist approach that would rectify the fundamental problems of capitalisim, while shifting the power from the Bourgeois to the working class. Moreover, the new found economic and political power of the dominant proletariats, would eventually overtake the Bourgeois, and result in the complete elimination of class structure and struggles.
Since technology was advancing, feudalism was declining and free trade was born (47). Society was no longer running on a peasant vs. aristocracy, instead it was running on capitalism (workers vs. capitalists). Capitalism created market competition (the need for modern industrialization, cheaper labor, faster, etc.) which led to the need for a greater size, cheaper work force (the proletariats). In addition, in the industrial revolution, man was often replaced by machines or became an “appendage to one”

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