
How The Marine Resource Exploitation Is Essential For Early Settlement Of Citizens And For Military Purposes

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The importance of having access to waterways is essential for early settlement of citizens and for military purposes. This dependent resource provides a more efficient transportation route as well as access to marine resources such as fishing. Fish also became a source of protein diet and economic trade values in both Chinese and Japanese cultures. In this essay, I will be using the Pseudosciaena crocea also known as the Yellow croaker as my example.1 Yellow croaker got their name from the noises that they make during the spawning season.2 I will also be addressing the problem of overfishing and environmental consequences that arise. By analyzing the patterns of ecological transformations within fishing disputes between China and Japan, we can see how marine resource exploitation becomes a motivation to strengthen each perspective 's nation state. Japan has one of the longest histories of hunting-gatherer societies in East Asia. Dating back to the Jomon, their diets included a board range of plant, animal, and marine foods.3 The remains of the salmon bones show that this fish was exploited from as early as the Incipient phase. Fast forward to the Yayoi period, rice, without a doubt, was the most important crop, but barley, millet, and other cultivated and wild plants were also consumed in large quantities.4 Others such as domesticated pigs and chicken are known from Yayoi contexts but were still unclear whether or not it was used a food resource. Deer, wild boars, and fish

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