
How The Media Influences An Individual

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“How the Media Influences an Individuals’ Sense of Self” “Mirror, mirror on the wall who 's the fairest of them all” (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 1937). Most people are familiar with this quote from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, which illustrates simply an issue facing women today. Much like the movie -the evil queen sees Snow White in the mirror- people never see themselves in the mirror; people project what they want to be and critique every inch of themselves. The American culture has become more and more driven by the need to look younger and thinner. We all have come across “Lose 5 Pounds Fast,” and “Miracle Weight Loss Drink” articles, which women live their lives around. They invest their time into the media’s “fads”. …show more content…

I believe, through experiences, that the media knows how to persuade and create a mindset in their viewers that beauty is not just skin deep. “Beauty that is only skin deep means, physical beauty is superficial and is not as important as a person 's intellectual, emotional, and spiritual qualities” ( The media does not advertise the intelligence of a women, but just perfect complexions, toned bodies, and voluminous hair. I think, our generation has the most unrealistic standards of any other generation, yet self-love and confidence is constantly talked about. In today’s time, “you can pick out all your flaws, and then society does that as well for you” (Pittman, 2015). Advertisements and the media are occupied with one main goal: to increase the sale of a product and make a profit. The media continues to reach out through images, commercials, and reality shows. “It does not matter if you live in the country or the inner-city; wherever you are, that is where the media will be” (Moak 61). I have been guilty of purchasing a “diet plan” in order to obtain a body like Jillian Michaels, who was promoting the product. The diet plan, promoted by a super-fit actress, persuaded me that I would look just like her and be “beautiful.” When this failed, I was left with a lower view of myself than before because, “the media sends the

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