
How To Bottle Flipped Should Be Banned In School

Decent Essays

Bottle Flipping By:Adilynn Woods

We should put an end to bottle flipping in school. Take this for example, you are sitting at a school cafeteria table, simply trying to have a conversation with your best friend, and all you can hear is thud, splash, and a roar of cheering. Annoying right? That’s a new hobby of kids all over America, called bottle flipping. Some evidence to back my case up is that (bottle flipping) has an article saying that ‘bottle flipping’ banned in schools after sweeping the internet. To add on to that schools also say that they are seeing students spending a lot of money on drink bottles every week. If you agree with me that it’s annoying, then think about hearing that while learning. Furthermore, bottle flipping is fun but can be distracting. Although it may keep students participating in it entertained , it creates a distraction for other students. Imagine you are taking a math test and all you can focus on is the sound of someone flipping a bottle. To explain more check out (bottle flipping) has an article that states parents opinions on bottle flipping. They believe that it is loud, not cool, wasteful, and dumb. Being distracted in class is a waist of teaching, but it is also a waste of other things too, let me explain. …show more content…

Spending around 1 or 2 minutes on it is totally fine, but spending 30 minutes to an hour trying to land an amazing flip for a vine or video is crazy. In addition water bottle flipping is a waste of water. Most students prefer to have the bottle ½ to ¾ full, and if they’re not patient enough to guzzle it down the will just dump it out. (bottle flipping) shows that a parent wrote that his son asked hime for a plastic water bottle and then emptied it by ¾ so he could flip it. School, school is not the time nor is it the place to be bottle

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