
Analysis Of ' Getting A Drink '

Decent Essays

Getting a drink

1) Ms. Patterson lets Dari use the water fountain because of her special medical needs, knowing that Dari will not abuse the privilege. Dari feels uncomfortable about the situation because, as she is well aware, her classmates resent her preferential treatment. If she had a choice, Dari wouldn’t use the water fountain at all. The privilege of using the water fountain during class is, for Dari, most consistent with which one of the following behaviorist concepts?

The answer is B: punishment, Because in the book in chapter 9 it mentions that “their effects on behavior, rather than in terms of the ir relative pleasantness and desirability. Sometimes people engage in certain behaviors in order to get consequences that most …show more content…

With these conditions in mind, decide whether Ms. Patterson is promoting intrinsic motivation to behave appropriately in her classroom.

- Ms. Patterson is not promoting intrinsic motivation to behave appropriately in her classroom. In the book on chapter 11 it mentions that “ motivation increases student’s physical and cognitive” We can see that in this case she does not allow them to get drinks on their own and does not show them how to properly act when it comes to drinking, but instead just bans anyone from drinking water during class periods. In this situation the teacher is not giving them motivation to learn how to ask or participate because Ms.Peterson is showing the students that she has preference for certain students like Dari situation.

4) Is Ms. Patterson’s decision not to allow students to get a drink during class a reasonable one? Why or why not?
- Ms. Patterson’s decision not to allow students to get a drink or have water bottles in class is not a reasonable. Like was said before, water is a basic need that humans need and also is the way that students can be more awaken. In the book on chapter 11 we can see that “ classroom climate is the general psychological environment that permeates classroom interactions. Ultimately we want a classroom in which students feel safe and secure,

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