
How To Throw Drills Essay

Satisfactory Essays

There are plenty of ways to get better at pitching so that you can be the starter or the person that comes in and saves the game. Some ways of getting better are working in the off season, throwing with someone to lengthen the time you can throw in a game, doing plenty of drills while in season and in off season, and certain things to do after throwing.

Since you play baseball, you should try your best to work on it yearly, or just as much as possible. While in the off season you will need to do certain drills or workouts if you would like to throw harder, there are also certain drills you should work on during the off season. If you want to throw harder you should try to do curls or buy Yeager bands that help work the 9 muscles in your arm. If you plan to use Yeager bands, then you need to do them …show more content…

If you feel as though your arm gets tired too fast you should start out by just playing pitch and catch everyday for at least 2 weeks. After the two weeks you need to start doing long toss. While doing long toss, you stretch your arm out by throwing from a far distance.

There are drills that a baseball player should do every day of the week. Getting by a fence and work on throwing over the top. When you get your throwing arm by the fence and start throwing over the top, if you mess up your arm will hit the fence letting you know that you aren’t throwing over the top. Another drill is to have your left back pocket closest to fence, then have your left pocket lead to the fence and fall towards it. Doing that over and over gives you velocity of coming off the mound.

After throwing you should always get the tension out of your arm so that it doesn't hurt later on. One thing you can do is take a really hot shower to relax your muscles, then ice your arm to get the rest of the tension out of your

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