
How To Write A Book Report On To Kill A Mockingbird

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For this article, I have read the book “To Kill a Mockingbird”, written by Harper Lee and published 1960. It is a book about a girl growing up in the south in the 1930’s. Overall I can see why the book has been so highly appraised. Like many, I enjoyed reading from the innocence of eight-year-old Scout Finch. The reveal of Boo Radley near to the end of the book satisfied my curiosity. Although most of the book was pleasing to me, I disliked seeing all of the injustice coming from racism and prejudice directed toward people of color and families of the lower class. However, nothing was left to be desired at the end of the novel and although many things were unfair, there would not be much of a story if everything was perfect in the fictitious town of Maycomb, Alabama. The main character in “To Kill a Mockingbird” is the young Scout Finch, a girl of eight years and the daughter of attorney Atticus Finch. I liked reading from Scout’s perspective because she is young and has a pure mind, seeing only the obvious facts unobscured by the social pressures of adults. …show more content…

As the story seems to winding down, Harper Lee reveals the mysterious character of Arthur “Boo” Radley, the Finch family’s eerie recluse neighbor. On the way home from a play one summer night, Scout and her brother, Jem, are attacked by the drunk Bob Ewell but are saved when Boo leaves his house to stab the perpetrator with a kitchen knife. Thanks to him, Scout gets away with minimal injury and Jem escapes with only a broken arm. Atticus invites Boo in to stay for a while for bringing his children home alive and Scout finds that Boo is a kind and quiet man after talking to him. Atticus and the sheriff agree to cover for Boo by saying that Bob fell on top of his own knife. I liked that the author did not leave Boo’s character only to be defined by the stories Scout and her friends made up about him as

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