
How To Write A Brief Summary Of Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

This book is about a man named Montag, he works as a fireman but rather putting out the fire he burns books for a living. The people in their society do not read books they find it depressing. They don’t enjoy anything that has to do with nature, having some alone time or even have conversations with anyone. All they love to do is watch a lot of television and listen to the radio.

Montag finds this seventeen year old girl named Clarisse McClellan, who makes him realize the emptiness of his life with her questions and her uncommon love for nature and people. Few days pass and montag experiences this series of disturbing occasion going on. First, his wife Mildred tries to commit suicide by drink sleeping pills, then he responds to an emergency about an elder lady hiding …show more content…

Faber contacted a printer and started reproducing books. Montag planted books in every firemens home to discredit the profession and ruins the machinery censorship. Faber gave montag a two way radio for the earpiece to secretly talk to him. Montag went and and little after his wife's two friends arrived to watch TV but then started talking their husbands and the war that was going on, montag got mad and pulled out a book of poetry and reads “Dover Beach” by Matthew Arnold. The women begin to get really disturbed where they leave and later file a complaint.

Montag later goes to the fire station and gives one of his books to his chief Beatty. He tells montag that books are awful and that they should be burned. The alarm goes off and they run off to answer the call only to find out it was at montag’s house mildred gets into a taxi and leaves montag because she couldn't bare to be in the same house with the books, she betrayed montag. Beatty forces montag to burn his house, he then place montag under arrest for reading and hiding the book. Montag throws the flame thrower to beatty setting him on fire, he knocks the other firemen unconscious and

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