
How To Write A Discourse

Decent Essays

The writer’s purpose is that students’ in their writing should feel that they can write a strong discourse freely in confidence. The writer explains that the line is visible between a student and a teacher/scholar. Which is true but he goes onto explain that this also creates a barrier between discourses as well, especially in writing. Students’ feel that they have no right to interject an opinion into a conversation that’s “not their place”. This can reflect a student's’ writing as a result could deduce their argument in a discourse since they feel they can not speak in freely with confidence. The writer wants students’ to avoid having that lack of confidence with use of manipulation. Instead of speaking out of spite, you can create a commonplace of putting yourself into the perspective that you can speak freely and your audience can understand your argument. Like I mentioned earlier, the word discourse is …show more content…

The writer outlines the barrier between a student and a teacher/scholar, stating that students don’t feel that they have a right to even interject in a conversation. Referring to what I mentioned earlier, this can reflect in students’ writing. I believe that this is created from the intimidation created by the higher-ups. Students’ feel that their ideas are wrong and will be ridiculed for even going against another viewpoint, especially if it’s a superior. This is a daily occurrence in classes. The writer wants to break this barrier so students’ don’t lack the confidence in their argument in discourses. The writer tells us to find a commonplace so students’ can do both-explain their points along with feeling that they do have the right to interject their argument respectively. “Not my place” evolves to “yes I do have a place” in the discourse through discovery of a

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