
How To Write A Narrative Essay On Military Life

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“No! Please! Elizabeth!” I could hear my mother screaming my name, being held back by doctors and nurses, as I was taken away from the hospital by the Patrol. It was May 17, 2070, the day of my birth, and I had just been separated from my sole and biological family. I was taken to a room down the hall and placed in a gigantic tube that flickered with bright lights. Exasperated, I closed my eyes and lay on the floor of the tube. Suddenly, there was a loud beeping noise and when I opened my eyes, the noise was gone—but so was the hospital.
The sandy land that surrounded me was bare and flat, and a colossal wire fence surrounded all of it. I was trapped. A camouflaged jeep zoomed by almost running over me. It pulled over and a large, stocky man …show more content…

The military life that I’ve been living has been tough, terrible, and overall infuriating. I know I don’t speak only for myself when I say, ‘I want out’. But, I know the consequences for attempting escape. We all know. Our whole camp learned when, a few years ago, a little red-haired girl frantically made her way out of the cafeteria during lunchtime, crawled through a hole in the fence, and ran across the landscape, trying to escape her miserable military life. As she carefully jumped over all the hardly-hidden land mines and traps, a Patrol plane zoomed in, snatched her from above, and took her to the Chamber where she would never be seen again. The Chamber is a small, dilapidated shack where extreme punishments take place for those who have done very wrong. From what we’ve all seen, only extreme actions and behavior are taken care of there. But, attempting escape is one of the many actions that can get you a one-way ticket to …show more content…

It was a dark and windy day in October. The trees were dancing in the strong breeze and all the Tens, Elevens, and Twelves were scheduled for individual training tests. I was scheduled for a 9:00 A.M. land mine agility test. In order to pass the test, I would need to cross an entire field without stepping on an artificial land mine. As I stepped onto the platform, the clock started to count down. 10...should I just run for my life...9...or should I carefully step around the field...8...maybe they didn’t even hide any land mines...7...oh of course they did! I found myself looking around at the others waiting for their own tests, and as I scanned the crowd, my eyes fell on a small girl with a freckled-face and hazelnut eyes. She was staring right back at me and looked like she was giving me some type of signal. She kept on opening her palms up and then closing them into a fist over and over again. I realized, just before the timer went off, that the girl was telling me to look out for the faint, blinking lights in some of the dirt mounds that showed that there was a land mine hidden there. I ran across the field, looking closely at every mound of dirt that seemed to have something hidden inside. Finally, as I neared the end of the field, the same little girl that had given me signals screamed, “Watch out! Behind you!” from the sidelines. If it weren’t for her, I would have

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