
Personal Narrative: Growing Up As A Military Child

Decent Essays

Growing up as a military child and living all over the world, I was afforded many experiences that most people dream they could have. Being a military child and now a military spouse these experiences have influenced my world view and perspective on how I approach situations. My father is a retired US Air Force Security Forces member and at times part of his job was to do law enforcement. My father would educate me on military law and gave real life examples of the consequences of violating that law. My cousin is an Army Jag officer and I have been able to witness him prosecute those whom crossed the line. Growing up with a family whose purpose was to enforce the law and bring justice to those who dishonored the law; I felt that I had a very strong sense of …show more content…

The man they saw was not the man I knew. Everywhere I turned there was no pity, no compassion, no love. I was devastated as I watched as my brother’s sin was placed on

my family’s shoulders. The betrayal and hurt that flooded me and my family, because of
my brother’s actions, was overwhelming. Our whole lives we defended the law and upheld it and here one of our own committed a crime. I needed help to come to terms with what was happening I began to seek support but, none was found. My love and support for my brother was turned against me, I lost many friends as I shared my heart and situation.
Having a strong foundation in the Lord I was able to run towards Him instead of away from; I was faithful to Him and His Word. My personal relationship grew deeper with God but, I lacked understanding and had many questions. There were a few who reached down in to my pit of despair offering encouragement, loved not only me but my brother, sought out scriptures to help provide answers, held my hand, prayed for my family. Even though these people have a generous heart and I am forever grateful,

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