
How Was Alexander Hamilton Related To The Founding Of America?

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How can a bastard child from a small island in the caribbean be related to the very founding of America? The answer is found in this man’s sheer determination and unprecedented zeal. Alexander Hamilton was one of America’s founding fathers despite the fact of not stepping foot on its soil until he was in his late teens. In his biography appropriately titled Alexander Hamilton, Historian Ron Chernow examines how this consistently unlucky child was paramount in founding key aspects of the America we know today. From Hamilton, one can learn two things. The first being that background, no matter how unimaginably awful, can be overcome and seen as more than a series of debilitating hurdles. The second is that one never knows how much time they have, so don’t waste a minute. …show more content…

The only truth is that he was born out of wedlock - something looked at far worse 200 years ago than it is now. However, being fatherless was the least of Hamilton’s setbacks. Ones that make the list include: Hamilton’s mother dying at his young age of ten, his cousin, who took care of him after his mother death, committing suicide, a hurricane obliterating his town, and many more. All the ones listed happened before arriving in America in 1772. Ron Chernow calls Hamilton, “The human word machine”(444). After his death, Hamilton’s loving wife made an attempt to organize all his writings, hiring biographers. After countless biographers failed, the task fell on one of their children, John Hamilton. In the end, a seven-volume account of Alexander Hamilton’s writings was created (3). To prove even more how Hamilton wrote constantly and with passion, we can look at the Federalist Papers. In the span of six months, Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, wrote 85 essays. Of these, Alexander Hamilton is said to have wrote

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