
How Was The American Revolution Justified

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The American Revolution was a justified war. It was the colonists against a tyranny. When the British came to America, they established themselves in Virginia. There are many reasons the American Revolution was created. The British forced laws on the colonists without their consent. The British started a Proclamation which kept the colonists from settling on the west side of the Appalachian Mountains. Then they passed laws which oppressed the colonists in several ways. Those were later known as the Intolerable Acts. After being controlled by a tyranny for years, the colonists created the Declaration of Independence. The British called the Declaration of Independence illegal, as it was established by a group of people who created laws based on what they wanted. However, the British forced a …show more content…

The Proclamation kept Americans from living on the west side of the Appalachian Mountains. The colonists owned that land. But they were not able to access the land after the Proclamation. The Appalachians were the only place the farmers could find new land. The colonists needed to spread out as well. Then a few years later, the British created the Stamp Act. The Stamp Act was a law that forced all colonists to pay a tax for every printed paper. It didn’t matter what they were about, but they required a stamp for it. They had to pay for legal documents, bills, contracts, will, advertisements, and even playing cards. The British said they were paying off the debt left over from France. However, the colonists had no representatives to vote for them in the parliament. So that means the British could not tax them. The colonists had to attack the homes of tax collectors in order to prove what they wanted. They sent messages to the parliament, refused to buy stamps, yet they were ignored. Eventually, the colonists’ protests started to create a negative effect on the British merchants and businesses. So they repealed the Stamp

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