
How Was The Mexican American War Justified

Decent Essays

Was the Mexican-American War Justified?

The Mexican- American War. Was it really justified or was it justified? No one really knows the whole story behind it. Now Mexico had just won independence from Spain in the year of 1821, and gained tons of land. Mexico had so much land, it was equal in size to the United States, and the leaders of Mexico realized that the northern territories were not being put to use. To solve the issue Mexico invited U.S. settlers to come to Texas, however, Americans had to follow Mexico’s rules but everyone knows Americans would never do that. The Mexican-American War was justified because of the manifest destiny, the United States being attacked, and the land situation.

Manifest Destiny…Manifest Destiny….Manifest …show more content…

Disagreeing with that statement, the Manifest Destiny was just an idea that many Americans believed in, because it was the right thing to do. The Manifest Destiny hurt a lot of people, involved many wars including the Mexican-American war; however, it was bound to happen not only in Texas, but in Oregon and California. According to the background essay it mentions, “President Polk was a strong supporter of the Manifest Destiny.’ Polk did not just want to annex Texas. He also had an eye on California.” Obviously Texas wasn’t the only issue; our own president was looking into California as well. Many people left California alone and only thought of Texas because of one main reason….Slaves. Another reason why the Manifest Destiny played a role in the Mexican- American war is because in Document A it clearly states, “The Anglo-Saxon foot is already on (California’s) borders…armed with plough and the rifle, and marking its trail.” John O’Sullivan wrote this statement and he even knows that America was …show more content…

According to document C it states, “The annexation of Texas to the United States was inadmissible for both legal and security reasons.” Some people and I believe that Mexico was in the wrong because the U.S. annexed Texas after they won their independence which makes sense. However, the Mexican government didn’t think the American government where “bandits who came upon a traveler.” Also, an American citizen, Charles Sumner, turned from his country and supported Mexico because he believed that the Mexico should have charge U.S. citizens with “disgraceful robbery.” Mexico abolished slavery and Charles Sumner disliked the idea of slavery however the cotton in the factories that made his clothes came from slaves. He, in my opinion, need to get his facts straight before he started blaming the people of America who believed in slavery. Finally, in Mexico’s defense the thought that the United States was invading their territory was not a bad call. Stated in document C, “As a consequence the Mexican government reaffirmed the instruction to protect the border, meaning the territory located between the Rio Grande and the Nueces River- an order which led to the battle of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma.” Mexico tried to punish the United States, Mexico tried to be the parent of the child, but it was really the other way around. To conclude, Mexico had

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