
Was The Mexican-American War Justified?

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Where the Americans not right for fighting Mexico just to make a slave market and steal Mexico’s land by taking over? The Mexican-American war was not justified because the American immigrants were not following Mexican laws, such as no slavery. Also another thing that is brought up on this document is just because you fight back does not mean that you are wrong.

The Mexican American war was not justified because of the Mexican laws they did not follow and swore to follow. “They are continually demonstrating that they refuse to follow our laws”, “forgetting they swore to obey the laws of Mexico.” These quotes show that the americans were the ones not following orders that they agreed to do so. The Americans are lying to the Mexicans and we are not obeying them. Well they do it anyways because they want to get land and America knew that it would be a war but they only wanted a slave market to expand their land and take it from the Mexican Republic. …show more content…

“The immediate cause and main goal of this war... has beet to grab large valuable territory of Texas from the Mexican Republic, In order to re-establish the SYSTEM OF SLAVERY; to open a vast and profitable SLAVE MARKET; and, ultimately, to annex it to the united states.” This quote shows another person understanding what the Americans were trying to do. Make a slave trade land to take it over and call it there's. The only problem is Mexico was against slavery and they had to follow their rules in their territory. When America tried to put slaves in the state Mexico they said no and knew what they were

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