
How to Read Literature Like a Professor

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Chapter 3 - Nice To Eat You: Acts of Vampires Chapter Summary: -Ghosts and vampires are never only about ghosts and vampires. There’s a thin line between the ordinary and the monstrous. -Sex: Evil, lust, seduction, temptation, danger. Evil has been related to sex ever since the serpent tempted Eve. -Exploitation: using other people to get what we want, placing our desires above others. Vampires and other figures are used where someone grows by weakening someone else. Connections: -The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne: Hester wearing the scarlet letter A is a perfect example of exploitation. By making her weaker, idealistic society grows stronger. A major theme is sin, relating easily to the evilness of sex in a puritan …show more content…

Chapter 15 – Flights of Fancy Chapter Summary: -Human beings can’t fly, so if something can fly, it’s not human. -Flight is freedom. When a character has the ability to fly they are free from the burdens of everyday life. Connections: -The Landscape with the Fall of Icarus: By giving Icarus the ability to fly, he has a freedom unfathomed by most. This freedom is too much for someone to handle and he does even what he is told not to, by flying close to the sun. -Sophie’s World by Jostein Gaarder: In one of Alberto’s letters to Sophie he talked about flying. A small experiment shows Sophie the difference between the ideas of a child and a grown adult, and how something like flying can get such a different reaction from the two. “One morning, Mom, Dad and little Thomas, aged two or three, are having breakfast in the kitchen. After a while Mom gets up and goes over to the kitchen sink, and Dad - yes, Dad - flies up and floats around under the ceiling while Thomas sits watching. "What do you think?" Thomas says. Perhaps he points up at his father and says: "Daddy's flying!" Thomas will certainly be astonished, but then he very often is. Dad does so many strange things that this business of a little flight over the breakfast table makes no difference to him. Now it's Mom's turn. She hears what Thomas says and turns around abruptly. How do you think she reacts to the sight of Dad floating nonchalantly over the kitchen

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