
Hrm 532 Week 9 Final Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Meeting Notes:
• NextCapital is trying to validate /preform post production checkout & validate new code won’t break TA functionality. o NC’s back doors no longer work. Would need Salesforce access to be able to do the same testing. o Post-Production check out was not part of original plan. o TA has post production check out (other systems) but not done against partners. o Couldn’t NextCapital create a QA test script that we could run? Do we have a policy regarding this?
 No policy per se. We have already given NC production test accounts – will not provide anymore.
• What is the risk of not having Reverse Proxy in place? o Cannot follow what the customer is doing. o Would not be able to revoke access and protect from fraud. (logging the cust out once they’ve logged …show more content…

Or does Business accept risk of not having post-production check out?
• How would he like to proceed with Reverse Proxy?
• 3 Options for Production:
1. We do the check out. (We are doing this today – originally with QA and now Salesforce)
2. Use RP and give NC access (who from business is going to review all NC activity – done daily??) Hans – would have to build something to see what’s going on in the systems every day. What do we do if something is found – would need risk to weigh in on this.
3. Change design
**With Mercer – they are paying them for the effort. (We are paying NC already)
4. (Possible 4th option) Hans: have an automated script to log in as someone using synthetic transactions to do the post production validation.

• For UAT – NC testing with RP turned on, there are no technological roadblocks. (Hans/Bill addressed each on call 10/23) o We can provide them assistance with UAT & for production we have the 3 options.

AIs for JenH:
• Connect with Lindsey to get feedback on a business testing. o Update: Will set up a call with Lindsey Jake and Hans and Jen B, John to discuss.
• Jen to set up follow call with this group on after getting with

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