
Huckleberry Finn: A Book Of History Or Mockery

Decent Essays

A Book of History or Mockery
Many people have heard or read the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. What most do not know is that this particular book has been challenged for various reasons. Some go into depth about the reason why it should be challenged while others seem to only focus on the surface. The main reasons why The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a challenged book is because of its use of the “n” word and that it is racists.
To begin, an issue people had with the book is that is was racist. Not only from the use of the “n” word but the way Twain depicts Jim as a dull-witted person. Mr. Lester claims that “The novel plays with black reality from the moment Jim runs away and does not immediately seek his freedom.” Which I can see what he means. In all reality Jim would continue to run North; he would not stay …show more content…

It may not be one hundred percent factual but it is a good way to peek into what life was like back in the 1840’s. As well as get a glimpse into the way people were taught about what is right whether it be with religion or the way they treat slaves. If people are willing to overlook the language and really focus on Twain’s intent the book becomes more than Twain telling a story of a runaway boy and slave on a bizarre journey down the river.
Somewhere someone is going to be unhappy about a movie, song, or anything they can complain about. So it is no surprise that people have a problem with Mark Twain’s book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. This particular book has caused a lot of controversies whether it be regarding the language or its racial intent. No matter how hard people try it is impossible to please everyone so no matter what the issue is someone has with the book and no matter how that said issue is resolved someone will not be happy with the

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