
Hugo Ruthe Defense

Decent Essays

Ladies and Gentlemen, venerable members of the jury, Your Honour – The accused, Hugo McHale, is guilty of the wilful and premeditated murder of Peter Wilson. Through the analysis of McHale’s motive, means and opportunity, it will become clear that not only did McHale kill someone, but he had also intentionally set out to do so. Throughout the course of this arduous trial you have endured a relentless argument in defence of Hugo McHale, son of the late business magnate Henry McHale and accused murderer of former Altus Properties Chief of Staff, Peter Wilson. The defence have sculpted the seemingly perfect image of an emotionally vulnerable young man with diminished capacity, plagued by the unexpected death of his father. But what the defence …show more content…

Why, who wouldn’t be furious after finding out they lost an investment which would surely earn them millions? However, it wasn’t until McHale received an alleged anonymous tip-off that pinned Medich as his father’s “murderer”, that he grew from furious to vindictive. But it was the final straw when McHale and former co-worker Hank Gallagher found an unfamiliar type of drug in his father’s desk drawer upon cleaning out his office, allegedly prescribed to Carter Medich himself. At this point, McHale believed that his father hadn’t suffered a heart attack because of his old age, but rather a chemically-induced heart attack at the hands of Medich, referring to Medich as “he that hath killed my king” (5:2:69). The same man who had cost him millions of dollars had now also cost him his father’s life. A clear motive. Having pocketed the remaining pills the defendant found in his father’s desk drawer, McHale had his means and was determined to give his father’s “murderer” a taste of his own medicine. And what better place to do this than the intimate dinner Medich himself had planned to pay his respects to the late Henry McHale’s close family and business associates. Ladies and Gentlemen, at this point the defendant’s path had laid out itself. McHale had the means, motive and opportunity. McHale had malicious intent. McHale had the makings of a

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