
Human Conscience In Macbeth

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Experiences and real life issues that arise in the lives of humans facilitate opportunities for them to learn more about themselves and the world. An extensive reflection on the theme of ambition and temptation that leads to guilt can be easily identified in William Shakespeare’s tragedy “Macbeth’ where the audience is able to witness the destructive conscience of the play’s major cast namely Macbeth and his wife, the overly ambitious Lady Macbeth. Whose unyielding temptation for the throne of which her guilt stems, drives a wedge between the loyalty her husband and the king share. Forcing Macbeth into a state of inner turmoil and murderous lust as represented by the bloodied dagger in which he imagines before him. Similarly to Shakespeare, Agatha Christie has incorporated symbolism into her work, “And Then There Were None. Often using hallucinations of the sea and a boy named Cyril as a common motif to invoke emotions of traumatic guilt and exemplify the treacherous past of one of the protagonists, Vera Claythorne. Both these mediums reflect on personal issues related to the human conscience such as ambition and guilt in and assist the audience in digesting the vile truth that is often associated with people.

In Macbeth, Shakespeare explores the destructive nature of the human conscience.
At first Shakespeare projects Macbeth’s inner conflict and turmoil during a monologue where he invokes dark imagery. “We’d jump the life to come. But in these cases, we still have

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