
Human Frailty In Shakespeare's Hamlet

Decent Essays

One of the darkest tragedies found in Shakespeare, Hamlet is notorious for revealing concepts of human nature that are still recognized today, as it also signifies human frailty through corruption and grief. The human mind is a complicated place, that only few writers choose to decipher. Shakespeare writes not only with passion but also with plights that all humans face today. Although frailty can be found in many stories, Shakespeare uses the reality of the human mind to appeal to his readers in a dark and beautiful way, going in-depth, and reaching into the true meanings of grief and despair.

As much as many would like to admit, the mind is a dark place, where all of the inner anxieties and and stresses lie. These are the parts that when opened up, show a beauty all man can relate with, giving power to the string of words that seemed so futile before. But with power, …show more content…

Including these parts into the play, it shows just how affected people can be, and how many really do react to the unpleasant tragedies. Once Ophelia, a smart, young woman found that her father had been slain, she went mad in grief, singing sorrowful tunes and drowning herself in the river, not being able to bear any more of the sadness that she felt. All happening so soon, in this story characters are faced with corruption, but not all know how to bear with it. Ophelia is just one of many that faces this kind of heartbreak, however all people experience it in different ways. The frailty also will lead to anger, and confusion in actions, allowing many, including Laertes and even Hamlet, to pursue rebellious acts without remorse until it has been done. Shakespeare demonstrates that people are not invulnerable, and many of the ominous feelings we face can lead to terrible

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