
Human Growth Hormone : The Picture Of Dorian Gray

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Human growth hormone | Who wants to live forever? | HGH for sale, HGH supplements, HGH pills, HGH for men, HGH for women, buy HGH 2017 at

People have been searching for the eternal life forever, but the researchers agree: It does not exist. Nevertheless, many desperately try to fight against old age. Last new weapon is called human growth hormone - or just HGH (human growth hormone).

The dream of eternal youth is reserved for the gods, but we humans have always sought immortality.

Like Dorian in Oscar Wildes 'The Picture of Dorian Gray ', giving her soul in exchange for eternal youth and beauty. Or Orlando in Virginia Wolf 's novel of the same name, after order from Elizabeth I decides never to grow old and live for …show more content…

But at some point even the most skilled plastic surgeons must throw the scalpel in the ring and let nature take over and what do you do?

In the American magazine Vanity Fair, one could recently read a story about the latest in discipline to cheat death.

For up to $ 10,000 a year, clinics can be treated with human growth hormone - human growth hormone or just HGH (human growth hormone) - either manually or with the help of doctors injecting into the body.

The result should be unbelievable according to users: marked abs, less wrinkles, greater sex drive and much more energy.

HGH (human growth hormone) - or just H, as the substance is called on street level - according to Vanity Fair, has begun to circulate among the A-list celebrities in Los Angeles. Especially among those who approach or just passed the 50 years.

"More than 50-year-old actors who still have marked abdominal muscles and visible veins on the upper arms are undoubtedly HGH (human growth hormone)," says an anonymous movie agent, who allegedly represents at least one of the major Hollywood stars.

Another notability in the City of England, the former model and actor, Alana Stewart, dares to showcase his use of HGH (human growth hormone). On her birth certificate, 1945 - in the Hollywood context, the Middle Ages and not

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