
Human Nature Essay

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The Evil Nature of Man: An Essay on Human Nature
People today enjoy the many pleasures life provides, including entertainment and technology, all the while living longer than ever before. This would not be possible, if it were not for a government that protects it’s citizens from danger and promotes peace. Humans are evil by nature, and therefore require some form of power in a society that will protect each person. This evil is described in a interview with a U.S. soldier who after returning from Iraq, found his evil nature to control his emotions toward Muslims, until he was able to join their group, an become a member of their society. Thomas Hobbes, an English Philosopher from the 17th century, wrote a book on the subjects of human …show more content…

Of course with this State, the idea of the third law of nature comes into view, with people of the State “perform[ing] their covenants made”(45), having each man follow the rules of the State, which is able to determine for itself what is just and unjust. The violent nature of man is thwarted through the existence of the State, which every man gives up certain rights to, yet gains security and peace from, allowing them to live with instead of war, the pleasures of industry, invention, culture, exploration: all the things that make life worth living (Hobbes 42). This is evidenced by our culture, where most men and women are able to go about their daily lives, enjoying all the pleasures in our society, while our government protects each of its citizens from threats. The only thing we as citizens have to do in return is follow the laws of the government. Another Philosopher, John Locke, took a view that was opposite of Hobbes. In his work “Of the State of Nature,” Locke feels that since humans were all equal, left to their own devices, they would be able to establish their own form of government that they themselves could control (48). The argument made starts off in a form similar to Hobbes idea of two men having the same goal, yet in Locke’s

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