
Human Trafficking And The United States Essay

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There should be stronger enforcement of the human trafficking policies in the United States. Human trafficking is modern day slavery that consists of men, women, children being forced into sex or labor work. Some think that human trafficking policies shouldn’t be enforced because it brings in money and sometimes the victims choose to be in the business. Human trafficking victims suffer from many health deficits as the result of being trafficked and the cost to help pay for these health deficits are expensive. The trafficking of humans is a huge human rights violation and it needs to be stopped.
Human trafficking is modern day slavery and if it was wrong in 1865 when congress passed the 13th amendment, than it is wrong now. The definition of human trafficking is the trade of humans for the purpose of sex and labor. There are two major types of trafficking. The first being sex trafficking, is the recruiting, harboring, transporting, or taking of a person for commercial sex that is induced by force. Labor trafficking being the other, is the recruiting, harboring, transporting, or taking of a person for labor or services. This is done through the use of force for involuntary servitude or slavery.
Data collected from The National Human Trafficking Resource Center concludes that victims of trafficking have come from 38 different countries. Some of these include the U.S. itself, Mexico, the Philippines, and China. In almost half of the cases, the origin of the victim was unknown

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