
Human Trafficking Report

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Hello I am a 9th grade student at Carolina High School in Greenville Sc studying human trafficking. We just read a book about human trafficking called “Sold.” We’ve made posters up around the school so some kids will hopefully want to take action in human trafficking. We also did the red sand project where we put red sand in the cracks of streets, sidewalks, and parking lots.After reading articles about human trafficking and reading the book I learned that human trafficking happens to most girls at a very young age. Some of these girls are drugged just to have sex with their “customers” and if they refuse they’re beaten. These girls are told that they have to pay off their debt in order to leave but they don’t know that the money they make is going to person's incharge. Some people are even sometimes born into human trafficking.
According to Wikipedia the estimated number of slaves ranges from around 21 million to 46 million. In the article Modern Day Slavery Statistics they say 90% of women and children who end up as Sex Slaves were victims of childhood sexual abuse before they were recruited. It also says 161 countries are affected by human trafficking and 26% of them are children under 18 years old. I couldn’t find anything about the percentages every year but …show more content…

If they don’t have nowhere to sleep and end up sleeping on the streets anything can happen to them. For example somebody can abuse them and they wouldn’t have the money to go to the clinic, doctors, etc. to get help fixed up. If poor people go into human trafficking or any type of slavery it will be hard for them to get out of it because they are basically not making any money for themselves or for the debt they might have to pay, so they are still poor either way. Instead them having to go into human trafficking and do all of the stuff they don’t want to do they can just stay what they’re

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