
Humanity In Othello

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Humanity is constructed of people who damage and exploit others for their own self benefit. In the play, “Othello”, from Act 1 by William Shakespeare, Iago tricks Roderigo into giving him his riches and jewelry. In exchange for Desdemona's love. Iago has a diabolical tone towards Othello and the things that matter most to him. He plans to undertake Cassio and his profession. The main character, Iago, uses the literary elements; suspense, simile and foreshadowing to convey the act of being trust worthy but in reality a conman. He is known as an honest man throughout the play although, his devious actions tell us otherwise. It is human nature for people to see the commendable values in others and not their deceitful ways. Men only want to show you a fraction of who they perceive to be. Shakespeare uses suspense to create the ambience of the following acts to come. Us as readers, we are eager to find out how Iago plans on damaging Othello without someone …show more content…

Brabantio foreshadows that his daughter Desdemona will deceive her husband, Othello, just like she did to him. “Look to her, moor, if though hast eye to see. She has deceived her father, and may thee” (1.3.333-334). This specific technique lets the reader infer on what might happen to Othello and Desdemona. While conveying a sense of betrayal within her marriage. Shakespeare grants the readers the liberty to assume what events could take place. Iago is known to be an ethical man, but the textual evidence below speculates otherwise. “So please your Grace, my ancient. A man he is honesty and trust. To his conveyance I assign my wife…” This evidence foreshadows that Othello made a mistake on leaving his true love in the hands of a dishonest man. This goes to show that you can’t trust anyone that you think is close to you. Not even the person you consider your right-hand

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