Comparing a rodents skeleton to a humans can show the many differences between the two or even some of their similarities. The bones may not look exactly the same as one another, but they use the same function as humans do. Whether its because of their shape, size, purpose, etc., they serve the same purposes as our skeletons do. They may have to carry weight differently, like in the hips and feet, or look differently to fit their lifestyle, like their skulls. Their skulls are longer for their noses and mouths, their hips are tilted different for the way that they walk, and they walk on their toes because of the way that their feet are built. They’re similar, but also very different in many
There are many differences between rodent and human skulls. These are mostly from the difference in shape and size to fit their lifestyles for them to survive. One example could be with the shape of the noses. In a rodent skull the whole nose is made up of mostly bone because they are longer due to the shape of their face. Whereas a human’s nose is made up of cartilage and the nasal bone because ours are smaller and not used in the same way theirs are. Theirs are used more for finding food in small spaces or smelling out danger, we don’t use ours to found food or smell for danger like rodents do. Another difference in the skulls is the size of their mouths. The nose bone for a rodent is also long because of the the teeth needed to eat.
Various experiments and measurements were performed in the field in order to compare the two types of rodents. The following is a list of the data collected through multiple observations over a span of two years. We captured 100 rats of each rodent population, and we found the average weight, length, hind limb, and forelimb measurements. In addition, we conducted experiments in regards to their top speed, average height that they could leap, gestation time, and average time spent in the courtship display.
When we see an animal, do we ever think about what is going on deeper than the eye can see? Do you ever think about all the things firing inside to keep things in balance and the animal functioning? Horses and primates have many similarities as well as differences. Starting with the skeletal system, the skulls on a primate and a horse are quite different. A primate’s skull usually lacks the large sagittal crest (Cavendish, 2010, pg.10).
The genre of crime fiction reflects shifting social, cultural and political conditions. Each composer is influenced by these shifting paradigms and thus incorporates them into their texts, pushing past the conventions and boundaries set in earlier eras to create new sub-genres. Daniel Chandler in An Introduction to Genre Theory, identifies this phenomenon: "genres change over time; conventions of each genre shift, new genres and sub-genres emerge and others are discontinued." Through my prescribed texts, Howard Hawks' hardboiled film The Big Sleep (1946) and P.D. James' Revenge Tragedy The Skull Beneath the Skin (1982), and related texts, Agatha Christie's classic detective story Murder on the Orient Express (1933)
Why/how is this relevant in ‘Of Mice and
I would start with the genetic frame of a hippo. Why you say? A hippo has a very strong bone
There are approximately two hundred six bones in our body and they're essential in our life. Bones consists of osseous tissue, nervous tissue, and epithelial and muscle tissue. Examples are the femur, humerus, clavicle, and sternum. The bones have many different functions in our bodies, but basically, their main functions are to provide support and protection for the body. Bones provide a framework that supports our body and bones such as skull, vertebrae and rib cage try to prevent internal organs from injuries. Also, bones enable movement by providing points of attachment for muscles and they produce blood cells, also known as hematopoiesis in the red marrow. Lastly, bones store minerals, such as calcium and phosphorus for different cellular activities and store lipids in adipose cells of the yellow marrow as an energy reservoir. There are different shapes and textures of bones. Bones can be flat, such as scapula and sternum, or irregular like the sphenoid bone and vertebra. Also, bones can be short or long. Examples of short bones are the carpal bone and talus and long bones are ulna, femur, and radius. In terms of texture, bones can be compact or spongy. Compact bones are dense and heavy while spongy bones are porous and light. Both types of bones are connective tissues. Usually compact bones are the out layer of a bone and spongy bones are the internal portion of the bone.
After the prior four stages, the body then enters the final stage of decomposition. In this final stage, the body is left with very minimal skin and complete bones; also known as complete skeletonization. When the body has reach the complete skeletonization stage, weather begins to affect the bones. If the body is in hot climate weather, the bones will begin to dry up and discoloration of the outer surface of the bone. Also factors that affect the human bones in this stage are insect and animal activity. For instance, the book states that squirrels specifically show a preference on human dry bones that have exposed up to one year to the environment. Thus squirrels are one type of animal that prefer the human bones because bones can inherit soil, and other substance from the environment depending on its location(Tersigni-Tarrant, Shirley, p. 352, 2013.) But the longer human bones spend out in their location, the more changes it is bound to exhibit. For instance, bones may exhibit additional discoloration and may resemble and growth with plants if it were
There are many species that belong as a part of the Primates; not only in today’s world, but also in a world before Homo Sapiens became advanced enough to be able to differentiate anthropomorphic traits in other species. To identify these species, specific analyses of a wide variety of characteristics had to occur. One of these characteristics being detention, or “the sizes, shapes, and number of an animal’s teeth” (Lavenda and Schultz 100). Looking at skulls of Primates that are no longer around, or maybe even still existing, can sometimes be hard to distinguish; at least if you are still learning about the shapes and sizes of each species. When unsure of which group the skull of a Primate belongs to, looking at the number and shapes of
It has been shown that the skull has the second greatest degree of sexual dimorphism with reported accuracies for sex determination as high as 77% (Stewart, 1979), 80-90% (Hanihara, 1959; Krogman, 1962; Cox and Mays, 2000) and even >95% (Baughan and Demirjian, 1978; Briggs, 1998; Franklin, Freedman and Milne, 2005; Kimmerle, Ross and Slice, 2008). However, it is thought that novice forensic anthropologists might report lower accuracies than these since, for example Stewart (1979) and Krogman (1962) had highly experienced participants analysing the skeletal remains. Moreover, some disagree that the skull is the second most sexually dimorphic and argue that certain postcranial measurements for example of the long bones, fare
an extremely shy and soft spoken girl, skull hardly fits her nickname personality wise, however she does have her dark, serious moments when she is focused on her tarot cards or any other psychic stuff she'll go into. she is a mysterious sort who is into the supernatural.
Although both rats and mice appear similar to the normal observer, there is a minor disparity between them. Rats are differentiated from mice by
Compare and /or contrast the anatomy of the White Rat with that one of the Human body.
Bone serves the organism at multiple levels: As a system, bones permit the organism to locomote effectively and to maintain posture by bearing loads without deformation, by providing rigid attachment sites for muscles and acting as a system of levers to amplify small movements. As an organ, bones protect the viscera and house the hemopoietic tissue (red marrow). As a tissue, bones serve as a reservoir of readily mobilizable calcium, an
Rats are distinguished from mice by their size; rats generally have bodies longer than 12 cm (5 in).