
Humberto Garcia Religion 110 Professor W. Raver Popol Vuh Myths organize the way we perceive and

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Humberto Garcia
Religion 110
Professor W. Raver

Popol Vuh

Myths organize the way we perceive and understand our reality. Myths grant stability to a culture, and in this respect; serve to explain the unexplainable. From Barbra Sproul’s perspective, creation myths reveal basic religious concerns pertaining to how the universe was formed, and how people or societies are fashioned. Myths speak of the transcendent and unknowable aspects in a drama that attempt to reveal and give reason to human existence and where man stands in the cosmos. Through myth, the dimensions of space, nature and time are expressed in symbolisms that show how the holy can be experienced or conveyed if understood properly.

The Popol Vuh is a collection of mythic …show more content…

This sacred tale aids in understanding the Mayan world, and responds to the universal and profound questions of how do I fit in with nature and society, and where do the roots of human existence come from. The symbolism of nature, that is to say, the creation of man through corn, implies a relationship with man and nature. The cultivation of corn is connected spiritually to Mayan people. There is a partnership between the environment and man, as opposed to having absolute control over land. The people serve not as the cultivators but rather as an integral part of the natural environment. It is from this corn, that they were created, so in essence, they share a religious connection to the natural world.
Sacrality is reveled in the very structures of the world, and in a religious sense, a connection to the divine is aroused in nature. Aquatic symbolism plays a vital role in this myth. “Waters invariably retain their function; they disintegrate, abolish forms…and regenerate” (Eliade, Mircea, The Sacred and the Profane, Harcourt 1959, Pg. 131-132), and irrefutably, give birth to new life. It is because of this, that it is crucial to note that the earth arose from these empty waters, where the creators resided, so the corn that constitutes their flesh and blood is of spiritual significance.

From this religious perspective, water symbolizes origin, or creation of life, the possibility of existence. The land is seen as divine not because it was created

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