
Hunger In Odysseus

Decent Essays

Hunger is seen throughout the Odyssey from the suitors trying to gain the power that Odysseus has when he is gone, the hunger of Odysseus’s men, and the hunger for power and stability in the kingdom, and lastly the hunger for home from Odysseus. Before time of the journey of Odysseus had just left his newborn son, Telemachus with his wife Penelope. To fight in the war in Troy, after the war most soldiers from the war made it home and Odysseus wasn’t making people believe he was dead which led to these events.
First, the suitors are at the castle to be selected as the next king of Ithaca and the new husband to Penelope. To begin, The suitors fought over the castle and king role physically by fighting each other and making the maids fear the suitors by raping them. Secondly, The suitors pressured Penelope to marry them and pressured her sexually, all for the hunger to gain a relationship with Penelope all working for the same goal to be picked to be the next king. Finally, the suitors fought physically and mentally over the hunger for power of Ithaca and to be wed Penelope. …show more content…

Starting with, when Odysseus went to the land of the lotus-eaters and ate the lotus plants Odysseus was the only one that pulled out from the intoxicating plants and started to remember of home, because his love for Penelope was so strong. Also, Odysseus not knowing the safety of his son and wife kept him hungering for home. Which pushed Odysseus to push through great mental and physical challenges. Another journey that proves Odysseus will to be home is when Calypso imprisoned Odysseus on her island for 7 years and he never once forgot his love for Penelope. Even when, he was promised immortality to stay with Calypso. To wrap up, Concluding Sentence: All of the adventures that Odysseus embarked on and the want to see his son Telemachus and wife. Showed Odysseus true hunger for

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