
Hungry For Change Is Very Well Known And Should Be Seen By All Ages Of Americans

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Hungry For Change is a film that is very well known and should be seen by all ages of Americans. In order to maintain the well being of our nation and a lesson that can possibly save a life. It contains the best selling authors and leading medical experts plus real life struggles with their body image. They dig deep into the stereotype desire of the ideal body and beautiful skin that we all want but don’t know how to get. Hungry For Change unleashes the shocking secrets of diet, weight loss and food industry information that tries to get hidden behind closed doors. There deceptive strategies that are used to keep your attention and always coming back for more. We aren’t eating food anymore. We are eating food like products. They are …show more content…

We need to say away from foods that are unnatural because they have a negative effect on our bodies. There are two different kinds of fats. Hydrogenated fat, which is the worst for you, which includes such foods as crackers. Natural plant based fats, which is good for you that include such foods as avocadoes. We humans tend to misread the difference. If it has a name for something that is good for you in the title doesn’t mean that it’s good for you. An example of this would be high fruit corn syrup. The writers told us that it is like smoking cocaine because even cocaine or high fruit corn syrup is made from something so pure at one time is now super unhealthy. Sugar is like drugs and alcohol addicting and sometimes very harmful. It comes in all forms such as therefore carbonates like bread. Even though it is not in a crystalized form it still is sugar. Humans become habituated to the effect of sugar. The facts are absolutely true because each individual person tends to consume 150 lbs. of sugar per year. Our mood can change and chronic disease can occur just because of this everyday “comfort food”. Now a days the connection between a promise and reality with marketing food is very misleading. Industries manipulate people making them think that they are full but then they soon are empty wanting more and more. I agree because I find myself eating junk food and instead of feeling full I just desire more and consume more never getting completely

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