
Hunting In Richard Connell's The Most Dangerous Game

Satisfactory Essays

Is hunting a “Dangerous” game? In the Richard Connell story “The Most Dangerous Game”. Zaroff and Rainsford play a game of hunting. General Zaroff demonstrates that he is Dangerous, Expert, and Smart. First, General Zaroff is very “Dangerous” character. He enjoys killing with a pistol, especially, humans. Rainsford says in the story “Hunting? Good God, General Zaroff what you speak of is murder (pg.19).”
Second, Zaroff is an expert hunter “mount heads of many animals, lions, tigers, elephants, moose, bears, and a cape buffalo is the largest (pg.14).” He says he had a hard time kill the cape buffalo.
Third, Zaroff is smart because he says in the story that “your Burmese tiger pit has claimed one of my best dogs (pg.31).” The trap was meant

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