
Hurricane Barriers

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In recent discussions of what can be done to prevent or help out in a situation of another hurricane hitting just like Katrina, a controversial issue has been whether a flood gate, system is the only way to truly protect from a hurricane. On the one hand, some argue that wave-attenuating breakwater that slows and softens waves as they hit the shore can help prevent a hurricane. On the other hand, however, others argue that waterfront parks that provide physical defense from storm surges, while bringing more public access to the waterfront. In sum the issue is what is the truly the best way which help take action in the occurrence of another hurricane. While some believe a system to slow flood waters would be more beneficial in the cause of a hurricane, building flood gates and barriers would be more beneficial, having more of an effect on helping with the flood waters and keeping water out. I say building flood gates and barriers will be more beneficial to help in the case of a hurricane happening. Flood gates and barriers helped in lots of major disasters because without them the hurricanes or large bodies of water would destroy everything in their path and create floods. But if the flood …show more content…

I believe that building more flood gates and barriers would be more beneficial in case of a hurricane occurring. As the evidence shows it give physical explanation on how the flood gates and barriers would help for example by the flood gates being built they will prevent water from getting in and overflowing and causing flooding and with the barriers they will help in the case of a large body of water escapes or hits the barriers will attract all the water and build up in there till it’s escaped and somewhere

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