
Hurricane Katrina: Analysis And Summary Of Articles1. .

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Hurricane Katrina: Analysis and Summary of Articles 1

Hurricane Katrina: Analysis and Summary of Articles
Micheal Boor
GO125DL Natural Disasters
Park University
Ms. Jill Lockard
09 April 2017

Hurricane Katrina: Analysis and Summary of Articles 2
The intent of this paper will be to analyze and summarize scholarly case studies and news articles concerning the flooding caused when Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Louisiana in 2005. Additionally, this paper will provide recommendations for how to prevent events of this magnitude from occurring or offer suggestions to mitigate the effects of flooding through providing government aid at the local, state or federal level. To accomplish this, examples and evidence …show more content…

The follow on program to the Standard Flood Project was instituted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency when they established the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP.) The NFIP effectively reset the assessment for high risk areas to every 100 years vice 500 years.
Severe floods in the United States between 1993 and 2006 resulted in further changes to how the government approaches floodplain management versus floodplain

Hurricane Katrina: Analysis and Summary of Articles 4 risk. One would assume that the Great Mississippi River flood of 1993 would have been the impetus to energize our government to take the steps to reform our aging flood control infrastructure. However, that was not the case and in 2004 Hurricane Katrina shined a spotlight on our out of date flood control infrastructure. Based on the post-flood analysis of the hurricane the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) found that the entire system was precariously designed at best and that if one component failed it would overwhelm the rest of the system causing a catastrophic failure of the flood controls. One thing the USACE did really well was to create an Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force (IPET), which acted as an independent group to assist in the fact check of the results from the studies conducted post Katrina. The increased focus on climate change, specifically the ebb and flow of the rainy season in conjunction with how the flood control efforts can play into this is

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