
Hyacinth Year 11 Narrative

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"Why did you not report to Hyacinth?" said the Manchineel. He broke the connection to his colleagues. “Anger, fear, pride. Because the rumors surrounding my in-law put me in a difficult position," Khalil said. "Despite what my detractors think, I want justice for the people who died." The confession lifted the pressure he felt. "What did your lieutenants find at the airport? Which country? They should have worked with the other teams, yet no Igigi reported contact with you." Idiot. Why did you tell her that? The Truth Seeker sat up straight. "Airports...where, erm, planes fly in...and out. I have many… the international community...who'll help when asked..." Khalil had a coughing fit. He held up an index finger to …show more content…

She asked if they could break for recess. “Not yet.” Hyacinth sang, "We're waiting." Khalil slowly got himself together. The pink coating felt like a crust on his skin. He couldn't think of a word around. "I lied in an erroneous attempt to stop the hounding by Mrs. Ioannou." A fecal smell clogged the air like a silent fart. "Try again," Hyacinth said, waving her hand in front of her nose. Khalil saw the grin that was underneath the innocent look on her face. "We got..." Sorry Yarah. "Dr. Underhill called. She returned fourteen Earth days ago. She's being held for questioning. I kept it quiet. I wanted my people to question her first." Hyacinth opened her mouth to speak. He spat out before she interrupted, "It could be a group of unknown humans from VigorNourish targeting Primordial, or not. No one knows for sure if Quinn had anything to do with the Airmed loss." The Annunki held hands. Khalil worried if he was questioned further he'd have to confess about the new deaths, his role with the open Airmed channel and Quinn turning Niels to ash on camera. He wobbled to the box, using the cane to hold him …show more content…

She spoke to the Truth Seeker instead. Agnes squeezed his arm. She told him to have faith and that he was a good leader. Instead of making him feel better, it made him feel worse. He thought: Who have I become? People died. Families are in mourning. I'm more concerned about covering my own ass than finding justice. Leela is dead; I’ve known her family for over fifty years. Poor Meena, she's like a daughter to me. I love Quinn, but she killed people. I'm no better than Hyacinth if I cover that up. The Annunki released their hands. Khalil and Hyacinth came forward. The Blackthorn spoke, his voice boomed to the rafters: "Hyacinth Ioannou, thank you for your report and for bringing the Truth Seeker. You will lead an inquisition of Igigi Khalil, his team and Dr. Underhill. Igigi Khalil, your continued withholding of vital information is a disgrace and a black card against you. We question if you should retain your position. You will be open and assist with the inquisition in any way that is asked. Daily reports are required from both of you. Punishment will be meted to all guilty

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