If you knew your house was going to collapse at a predetermined time if you did not change your habits, would you continue with what you were doing or change? This is the question we must ask ourselves. We call Earth home, yet we continue to help in its eminent destruction. We as humans must be conscious of our ways and change for the better of our planet. Gasoline powered vehicles are on the decline. Hydrogen is on its way to remove gasoline as the world’s fuel. Hydrogen powered cars are rising in popularity for many reasons such as low emissions and efficiency, but there are major obstacles in the way. Hydrogen as a fuel is the change needed to save the world from global warming. One of the leading contributors to the destruction of …show more content…
The current passes through the water and as it does, a chemical reaction takes place. Everyday water turns into its natural elements: hydrogen and oxygen. The beauty of electrolysis is that any form of electricity can be used, including renewable energy like wind and solar. Through this process we can extract hydrogen gas from water only to be reunited with oxygen and form water once more. With the use of renewable energy and the process of electrolysis, we can have a virtually never-ending supply of fuel for the future. The next big question is what will power electrolysis. Many scientists are leaning towards wind power. There are several ways in which the power can reach the electrolyzing plants. The first option would be to have the electrolyzing station at the base of the wind turbines. This would provide a sufficient amount of hydrogen, and the price would be anywhere from $5.55/kg to $2.27/kg. The second option would be to have several turbines set up and remotely send power to the electrolyzing plant. This way will allow the station to run extremely efficiently. The station would only produce hydrogen if the wind was blowing. The fact that several wind turbines are set up in various locations makes the chance of the wind blowing on at least one turbine relatively high. This in turn will bring the prices down to around $4.03/kg to $2.33/kg (Levene, Kroposki, and Sverdrup). Steam reforming is the number one producer of hydrogen to date. The United
However, some pundits are concerned that adopting hydrogen energy as the sole strategy for the issues facing the automobile’s future is problematic because of the lengthy time frame in which they are projected to become ubiquitous. Furthermore, the present infrastructure for the distribution of hydrogen fuel sources or the production of hydrogen fuel cells is not only insufficient, but slow to develop. As such, fossil fuels are presently the main source for hydrogen production, which means that hydrogen vehicles do not successfully decouple the automobile from a fossil fuel economy. This is also widely inefficient because it will generate four times the carbon dioxide emissions generated by gasoline efficient automobiles. Furthermore, compressing hydrogen for the purposes of
Lo addresses further alternative, aside from hydrogen, more specifically, electrified rail. Pointing out the rising costs of electrifying rail infrastructure stands as of 2003 at $2 Million per mile, ballooning to over $10 Million per mile in present day (Lo, 2013). By taking a hard approach on the arguments for all other options rather than hydrogen, the author captures a sense of growing question in the direction of why else might this technology not yet in use.
Proponents of a world-scale hydrogen economy argue that hydrogen can be an environmentally cleaner source of energy to end-users, particularly in transportation applications, without the release of pollutants like particulate matter and carbon dioxide. However hydrogen continues to have technical obstacles associated with it, including storage issues, due to the fact that hydrogen has a high energy density by weight, but has a low energy density by volume when not highly compressed or liquefied.
Instead, if you use that electricity to split water, separate the hydrogen with extreme purity, pressurize it to crazy levels (or, even worse, liquefy), transfer it to a giant (even in liquid form) hydrogen storage tank in the car and then recombine it with oxygen to generate electricity, you would be lucky to get ~20% efficiency. Expensive, complex, bulky and super inefficient. It loses on every dimension.” Musk said in an email exchange with Tim Urban (Urban). Now on to gas engines they have over 200 parts to an electric engine’s 10.
Honda has already produced a hydrogen fuel cell concept car they claim is “overall 64% energy efficient”. To put this into perspective in the average gasoline combustion engine “only about 20 percent of the thermal-energy content of the gasoline is converted into mechanical work”, making it 20% energy efficient [5]. This new line of cars could bring about jobs in the automotive industry and all industries that branch from it. As of right now the commercial market for hydrogen gas produced from the use of fossil fuels is at about $100 billion. A majority of this hydrogen goes into producing fertilizers and petrochemicals [1]. All it would take is an inexpensive source of green hydrogen, such as the one recently discovered, to completely change this industry.Overall hydrogen has the ability to bring about jobs and continued advancements in every market and industry touched by it. This could be just about every industry when considering how important transportation and shipping are to the economy; hydrogen would give them an inexpensive fuel for transport. Hydrogen fuel could do this all the while solving our most important problem of finding a renewable energy source.
As you go throughout your day, you use energy many times. Turning on the lights, using the toaster, taking the bus to school, all examples of using energy. Slowly, the fossil fuels that we are burning to get this energy are harming the environment. Hydrogen energy and biofuels would bring many benefits to Long Beach,
is between forty and fifty thousand dollars, which with the turbine life-span taken into account is equivalent to around 1.2 cents per kilowatt-hour. The life-span measure of cost per unit energy puts wind power at a considerable advantage. Nuclear power’s production cost equates with 1.72 cents per kWh, natural gas comes to an average of 5.77 cents, coal 1.8, solar 2.1 and hydropower half a cent per kWh (Primavera. W.P, 2005).
At this point in time, hydrogen fuel is not used for much else besides in spacecraft, but that is because it’s hard to come by on Earth. If it was to be sent from the colonized moon in large quantities, companies would certainly pay for it as it is very effective and efficient.
It derives energy from spinning water turbines. Hydroelectric power is a low-cost, renewable, air pollution-free energy source. Unfortunately there is not much room for this source left in the US and building large dams, flooding valuable river valleys, and eliminating free-flowing rivers are the negative externalities of this alternative. Electrolysis of water could be used to convert biomass (plants or plant-based materials) into methane or electricity to generate hydrogen gas. Current technology with little improvement could lead to these fuels being used more abundantly. Moreover, the storage, use, and transportation of these fuels would be
Nuclear power works by a process called fission. The type of fission used in most reactors is where a neutron collides with a uranium-238 atom, splitting it into krypton, argon, spare neutrons and heat. The spare neutrons start a chain reaction for more uranium-238 atoms to split. The heat produced by fission heats the water surrounding the fuel rods, which circulates through a pipe. The heated water passes through a primary loop, then passes through another set of water heating the second supply of water creating steam. The steam then passes through a secondary loop. The steam turns a turbine connected to a generator, creating power. The steam in the secondary loop then passes through a pipe which runs through cold water, cooling the steam into back to water. Then dumps it into a river, lake, or ocean. The amount of water would eventually deplete, so then a third loop, a tertiary loop, pulls water in from the river, ocean or lake, and puts it into the second set of water. The three sets of water never physically touch.
Recent years have shown an increasingly large need for a practical renewable energy source for such reasons as diminishing fossil fuels and increases in greenhouse gasses. Hydrogen appears to be a way out of this gasoline-dug hole, or at least, a way out in the future. Hydrogen fuel cell cars are being engineered as we speak as the technologies to refuel them cleanly are being proposed. Unfortunately, most of the technologies associated with hydrogen are still in the prototype/pre-production stages and require better enhancements before becoming mainstream. This paper assesses the practicality of hydrogen power in cars both now and in the future while explicating the actual process of how a
The Hydrogen Fuel Cell could revolutionize the world. This ingenious technology, which creates electricity from the chemical reactions of hydrogen and oxygen has, in its 150-year history, passed many of the critical tests along the path from invention to innovation. Recent developments in fuel cell technology and concurrent developments within the energy and automotive industries have brought the world to brink of the fuel cell age and the hydrogen economy.
In order to understand the why behind the need to change from fossil fuels to hydrogen power, it is necessary to understand what that power is and how it works. Hydrogen is the most abundant and simplest element on earth. It is most commonly found as part of water. In its pure gaseous form it is extremely light, but when ignited in this state releases a large amount of energy in an explosion. In this violent reaction the hydrogen combines with free oxygen molecules in the atmosphere and creates water vapor. This is similar to the way gasoline is combined with air and ignited in an internal combustion engine in the cars used today and like with gasoline, the combustion of hydrogen has risks. In addition to the risk, some of the energy released in the reaction is lost in the form of sound and heat. As an alternative to burning, these same gases can be combined with the use of catalysts to extract the free electrons produced as liquid water is formed(Popovici and Hoble Dorel). Using cables connected to a fuel cell such as this, those electrons go through a circuit, generating electricity. This is more efficient than combustion because less energy is wasted in the form of sound and heat. Going further, greater efficiency for this reaction can be had the lower the temperature it is allowed to take place at, with 83% power at 25◦C(77◦ F)(Popovici and Hoble Dorel). As fuel cells are created with better heat management and
For the past three decades Oil dominates the agenda of political discussion. With scares over price volatility, sizes of reserves, international imports and least of which are the environmental impacts due to carbon dioxide and other emissions. Various speculations and educated guesses place our total depletion of crude oil within the next 50 years and there is a general consensus between environmentalists that we steer toward a hydrogen transportation system given the projected work and nonexistent carbon dioxide emissions (Environmental Technologies class lecture, Santa Clara University). However many barriers stand in the way of attaining such a goal, most of which pertaining
E. Testa, C. Giammusso, M. Bruno and P. Maggiore, "Analysis of environmental benefits resulting from use of hydrogen," Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, vol. 16, pp. 875-890, 2013.