
Hypnos Research Paper

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Hypnos Have you ever fall asleep on the wheel, or fall back to sleep when you are supposed to get up for school ? To the ancient greeks, this is the work of Hypnos. Hypnos is the god of sleep. He sleeps almost all the time and lives in a cave that the river lethe flows through. This river is the river of forgetfulness. If you touch the water you will lose all your memories. And as for the people who he puts to sleep, there best excuse would be “Hypnos made me do it!” Hypnos is one in a family. His mother is Nyx: the goddess of night. His brother is Thanatos or death. Thanatos keeps people in the underworld and lives next to Hypnos. As for his father, well… he doesn’t have one. To me this makes know sense but his mother is a god so I guess

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