
I Am A Great Worker, Wife, And Mother Essay

Decent Essays

The United States is not the only country in which families’ views are changing dramatically, but also Africa. The democratization of families, as well as ties and connections formed with others has become global. In Africa, there are all kind of families: traditional families, polygamous, monogamous, extended, blended family, and recently gay families. Marriage between a man and a woman is still valued in both America and Africa. The main goal is knowing who to pick as the right partner. Personally, I’m challenge to be a great worker, wife, and mother. Even though I chosed my life partner twenty years ago, I involved all the institutions of my home country to secure my marriage. What did I do? How did I maintained my relationship with my family? Throughout this essay, I’ll focus on answering these questions in details through my cultural background and additional theories.
My family, the Djidjoho’s, is made up of six members, Pierre, Marlene, Jean- Mary, Sena, Raoul, and I. Pierre, my husband is about my age. Marlene, my eldest daughter is eighteen years old and a freshman in college. Jean-Marie, my eldest son is sixteen year old and a high school’s junior. Sena, my second daughter is fifteen and a high school’s freshman. Raoul, my second son and my last child is eleven year old and a six grader. I gave birth to all of them through my marriage to Pierre before coming to the United States.
From historical background, the most important classical element was the long process

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