
I Am A Student For All Intents And Purposes

Decent Essays

I have selected a student that for all intents and purposes, I will call her Zaire who is 16 years old. She is from Mexico City. However, she has dual citizenship because her parents are both from Denver. It kind of surprised me when I found out she spoke minimal English because she looks like she is from Northern Ireland, with red hair and blue eyes. Her parents had been missionaries and lived in various parts of Mexico until about 3 years ago. According to Zaire, her family spent roughly 16 years living in Mexico returning only long enough to renew Visas. Her mom and dad spoke English in the home while they lived in Mexico however her education was in Spanish and because of that she knows very basic conversational English. Her ACCESS score is a level 3 meaning that her English skills are developing and she requires visual supports to help her fully summarize key concepts in class. She has two brothers one older and one younger. Zaire’s older brother was born here and started school before the family moved to Mexico. He is 19 and speaks fluent English; he came with her to back to school night, instead of her parents. Her younger brother was born after they returned to Denver and has not started his education yet. I have not met him but, she stated that he can speak both English and Spanish. I have not had the pleasure of meeting her parents. They seem to travel frequently for work and her older brother is in charge of most of her daily activities.
Zaire’s language is

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