
I Am An Avid Gym Goer Since High School

Decent Essays

I was born in a refugee camp in Kenya to escape war-torn Somalia. I was then raised in Atlanta, and will complete school in Madison. I’m the 7th daughter in my father 's line, the 8th in my mother 's line, and the 1st in my family to attend a University. My involvement in the Legal Studies and Criminal Justice fields allow me to understand the social and legal factors placed on our health care system. My African American background, my role as a 1st generation college student, my Somali culture, and my identity as a Muslim, have all contributed to the person I am today, and to the doctor I will become. Because I’m a linguaphile I casted away my comfort zone and immersed myself in a new culture, language, and land for three weeks and explored my foreign language studies in Deutschland. I’m an avid gym goer since high school, when I set a record in my weight training class. I consider myself an extreme foodie, and I’ve traveled to far places solely to try out new cuisines. My interests in social justice marked my college years with protests and causes I partook in, due to my passions in furthering equality and justice. I have considered a law career, but ruled it out because I desired a career in medicine too fiercely to ever walk away from it. I also understand that I face challenges in obtaining an acceptance, but I am hoping that the mistakes of my past do not cost me my future.

The first time I visited the OSU campus was with my cousins for a Spoken Word performance. It

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