
I Am An Avid Howard Stern Watcher / Listener And Robin Quivers

Decent Essays

As the day drew near I could not have been more prepared. Especially when my products came. Now long story short you want to know how much weight I lost well only 8 pounds. BUT I did not have the money to do the weekly colonics or the coffee enema 's which are pretty much required to be successful on this diet. I did not feel hungry past the 3rd day and I did not experience any of the emotional breakdown the book described for days 5-7. Which incidentally I read the book completely. Way to many testamonials in there. I wanted to try this diet because everything else I have tried has failed and I am an avid Howard Stern watcher/listener and Robin Quivers kept bragging about it. I had numerous questions and emailed Dr. Roni and group …show more content…

Good Luck! Abdominal bloating is unflattering, uncomfortable, and indicative of digestive issues. Ironically, many people who experience bloating are those who strive to eat a healthful diet. Bloating is not body fat, but water or stool retention due to either food allergies that cause digestive problems, or a byproduct of one 's transition to a different way of eating. Here is a common list of the causes of bloating, and some of the ways a Paleolithic diet will help cure bloating. Paleolithic Diet and Bloating: Eliminate Dairy Many, many people lack the enzyme lactase to some degree, if not enough to be considered 'lactose intolerant '. Lactose is a low-glycemic milk sugar that can trigger an unfavorable autoimmune response if ingested in large quantities. This inability to fully digest lactose may lead to bloating for some individuals. The Paleolithic diet effectively avoids this problem by taking out all milk, cheese, butter, etc. Paleolithic Diet and Bloating: Decrease Sodium It 's a well-known fact that high sodium intake can lead to another type of bloating (where skin looks puffy and inflamed). High sodium intake can also contribute to abdominal bloating in that it makes the digestive system retain water in an effort to remain hydrated. This diverts water from stool, which decreases it ability to pass through the small and large intestine. A Paleolithic diet

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