
I Am An Outcast Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson Alexis Orbelin Lopez Canongo Journal #1 “I am an Outcast.”(Anderson 4) in this scene Melinda is describing how she feels on the first day of school. How she had new school materials, how she has new clothing she doesn't like and how she has a stomach ache. I can Relate to this because on the first day of school, I didn't really like the school uniform, i felt sick because of the nervousness. On the first day I also felt like an outcast and I still am but in a good way. I was in a new where I didn't really know anyone and all the people I did know where in different classes than me. “Homework is not an option. My bed is sending serious nap rays. I can't help myself.” (Anderson 16) In this scene Melinda …show more content…

You can't close it just because it's not going your way (Anderson 56-57) Mr.Neck opens a debate Involving his son and he couldn't get A job. When someone made point stating that maybe his son was not good enough to get job because he was possibly lazy. So Mr.Neck got mad and closed the debate. David tells him he can't close a debate because it's not going his way. So many people I know do this all the time. I don't like it, but i can't really can't do anything about it. Journal #2 Earlier in the book melinda had no one she could call friend Because she called the cops at a party she attended last year. She made nice with a new student named Heather. Heather is happy cheerful person, someone how is the opposite of Meilinda.Meilinda is lazy, Depressed person. She is someone who will tell you the truth no matter how hard it is the bear. Melinda also know she can't fit in because of the party incident, no knows the true story of why she called the cops. Her parents don't even know she went to a party that night. I thought their friendship wouldn't last due to the fact that they are opposites. “ This is really awkward. I mean, how do you say something like this? No matter what… no, i don't want to say that. I Mean, we kind of paired up at the beginning of the year when i was new and i didn't knew anyone and that was really, really sweet of you, but i think it's time for us to both to admit that we…Just…Very...Different.” (anderson

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