
I Am Born On The World

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Steveland (Stevie) Hardaway Judkins was born on the 13th of May, 1950 in Saginaw Michigan (Bio, 2015). Due to being born six weeks premature, Stevie was placed in an incubator to help maintain his breathing (Bio, 2015 &
Stevie Wonder, 2011). The forced oxygen caused the retinas in the back of his eyes to become unattached, leaving Stevie permanently blind (Bio, 2015). This happened due to the growth of blood vessels in the back of the eyes not fully developing correctly (Wikipedia, 2015).

Even though Stevie was left with no vision he began playing the harmonica at age 4, learnt to play piano at age 6 and took up drum lessons when he was 8 years old (Bio, 2011). In 1961, Stevie had the opportunity to sing to Ronnie White …show more content…

Apart from being involved in many helpful campaigns and events, Stevie’s music and lyrics inspired musicians everywhere. Jackson 5, Prince, Lionel Richie and D’Angelo all believed that Stevie Wonder had a massive impact on music and song writing (Shmoop, 2015). Musicians such as the Miracles, Ray Charles and Johnny Ace all influenced Stevie to pursue a career in the music industry (Shmoop, 2015). Even though he is blind, he has not let that stop him from doing what he wants to do. Stevie once said “Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesn’t mean he lacks vision” (Brainy Quote, 2015).

The Tamla label offered Stevie a five year contract but made it clear that all his money would be kept in a trust fund until he was at least 21 years old (Wikipedia, 2015). In 1962, Stevie released his first album ‘The Jazz Soul of Little Stevie’. He then released his first recorded album, ‘Tribute to Uncle Ray in October, the same year (Wikipedia, 2015). When Stevie was just 12 years old he toured America through the ‘chitlin circuit’ theatres (Wikipedia, 2015). In May 1963, his performance at the Regal Theatre in Chicago was recorded and formed into a live album, ‘The 12 Year Old Genius’ (Wikipedia, 2015). A few months later, when Stevie was 13, his first number 1 hit single appeared on the Billboard 100 chart (Wikipedia, 2015).
Stevie starred in Muscle Beach Party and Bikini Beach as himself, during the year

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