
I Am Comfortable With A Nurse

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Butting Heads The place was comfortable: spacious, clean, squishy couches that didn’t sink all the way to the floor, recliners, with matching side tables and lamps. There was a fireplace made of stone with an abstract, colorful painting hung above. A fish tank sat in the main lobby behind us. The residents were scattered throughout the room. Most of them sat alone, but a few sat with their loved one or with a nurse. My aunt came back from a closed-off hallway and informed us that she was getting ready. A few minutes later, a nurse led us to a visiting room which reminded me of a regular living room. Near the main entrance was a sort of side table across from a writing desk. Further in were three …show more content…

“This is Pat, Mom.” My dad referred to my soon-to-be stepmother. “She’s purty” My grandmother looked at her and turned to my grandfather sitting beside her “I wanna go for a drive.” “Soon.” Papa told her. She turned back to my dad “Give me some sugar.” My dad smiled sadly and did as he was told. He got up and crouched to kiss her red lips. Grandma turned to me. I took her shaking hands in mine and we stared at each other for a long time before she began to lean her head slowly towards mine. I did the same and our foreheads met. We looked into each other’s eyes. She tried to smile, but only a fraction of the muscles complied due to the series of strokes she had had in the past. Where her face failed, however, her dark eyes excelled. They told more than words ever could. Love and happiness pulsed through them along with other things such as awareness and light. We stayed like that for what felt like hours, maybe days even, although, it was probably only a few minutes. We both pulled back around the same time and went back in. We butted heads a few more times until it felt like a sort of game; the kind we used to play when I was younger and she was healthier; back when she would chase my sister and I around the house only to catch and tickle us. Back in a time when she would spend all day in the kitchen making up the most delicious meal for dinner. When she would play

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